Rigor and experience, says science, and triumphs. Today we write MATERIAL and ENERGY in capital letters; EVOLUTION has also long since suspended fate. Hades brings the light of the souls out of the underworld and transposes their radiance into chemical luminescence.

light as a reference to the soul and consciousness glows in a gelatin cube, thus at the same time serving as a source of information.
While the light glows, people’s assumptions about the world are synthesized in an artificial neural network (ANN) and modified into a machine discourse.
Mold (life) slowly grows over the fluorescent gelatin until the light is extinguished and the metaphysical discussion ends.
fotocredits: md
curated by martin honzik
produced by ushi reiter
hades @ ars electronica festival 2017
ars electronica festival catalogue
credits hades @ servus.at
media | Die Versorgerin: “Dunkle Parabel über das Leuchten”