Mirror without Ego

a diary and anti-fairy tale about echo chambers
Gnothi seauton
Someone cannot sustain The self through The self.
Only when someone gives up the idea of the “I”, one does naturally becomes the Self that is connected to the universe.
The ENtrance
Once upon a time, the Oracle of Delphi was considered the centre of the world. At the portal, the Seven Sages wrote sentences and sayings that were also adopted in everyday language. At the very bottom of the entrance to Delphi, barely visible, almost hidden, was the memorable sentence scrawled on the wall:
“Most of them are bad”
bias ὁ Πριηνεύς
who are you?
Once upon a time, long before Delphi, people were more observant of their surroundings and introduced rituals. Smooth water surfaces were mirrors in which jewellery and make-up could be viewed. The later story of Narcissus, who was to perish by his own reflection, and drowned in the lake, still recalls Ἠχώ Ēchṓ, reminding us of echo chambers that revolve around ourselves today.
Brainscience. New perspectives
being noone
Once upon a time, not so long ago, people compared the brain to a computer: nano, bio, info, cogno. Anthropocene reminds us of destroyed nature, mass surveillance and war. In this way, we as humans could show respect, critically questioning ourselves, as a species and as individuals.
Mirroring. Shock of Loss
– What if you stand in front of the mirror and you were not visible?
The wonderful and outstanding Art Brut artist Ernst Herbeck, who was a patient in the Lower Austrian mental hospital for 45 years, had this enicmatic experience and wrote this short poem, it is a short sentence, an essence:
I look in the mirror and I see nothing.
breaking the echo chamber. Approaching the disappearance
you want make a selfie but you can’t see your face