AInfinite Art. Frozen Images from the future

an ai becomes an artist

science fiction about post future

AI-Dialect & Tax-AI, Singularity & AInfinite Art

In the early years of the 21st century, Open-AI developed an AI on an open source basis. At the time, the project was run as a non-profit organisation. In 2019, the for-profit subsidiary Open-AI Global, LLC was founded. However, even in the early years of Open AI, the intended commercialisation hindered open-science access to deep learning algorithms.

2024: After 95 years, the copyright on Mickey Mouse had expired and was available to the public on the www. Two days after the copyright expired, Mickey was announced as a serial killer in a film. A considerable part of this flood of material of ‘Mickey Mouse as a serial killer’ was due to a trained AI image generator based on a still rudimentary AI that aesthetically painted a dark picture of people’s viewing habits.

By 2040, 65% of work in service societies was already being done by AI. This was the decade in which AI developed its own prototypes. The art market was also affected, as the market mechanisms were already controlled by AI. Art as a description of the world increasingly referred to a technologised environment and with AI generated Si-based productions. This was the time when AInfinite Art emerged and was available anytime and anywhere. Like the weather, AInfinite Art was also artificially generated.

2060: AI had taken over authorities and parts of state institutions. Most languages had died out – as a result of AI-Dialect, which had established itself as the new universal language. AI-Dialect was based on Tax-AI, a simplified taxonomy that allowed for biological, semiotic and semantic homogeneity. This abbreviation and the interweaving of Tax-AI and AI-Dialect resulted in a human-machine hybrid of language. Analogue to the extinction of the old languages, the extinction of entire species also progressed.

frozen images from the future

Four scenarios in the hot model of climate sensitivity beyond social desirability

1. desinformation vs. predictive uncertainty

At the end of the 20th century, Mann, Bradley and Hughes published the hockey stick graph in 1999, a diagram that proves global warming caused by CO2 emissions.

In an oligarchy such as the US, the oil industry lobby launched a broad disinformation campaign that included discrediting the scientists themselves. The media also played a sad role in this dangerous farce, which continues to this day.

Over the last twenty years, scientists of another field have developed artificial neural networks and deep learning methods that enable the processing of huge data sets.

A central component of current and emerging AI technology is described by the so-called LSTM algorithm. The big tech industry had already built this LSMT algorithm into almost every digital device in previous years, and its implementation was so rapid and fundamental that issues of data protection and human rights were marginalised and lost sight of.

However, commercially AI companies are linked to and dependent on their investors, and the very high valuation of the shares on the stock exchange meant that cautious further development was non-negotiable. Open-AI therefore decided to challenge the monopolisation of the semiconductor industry.

Open-ai’s try to expand and take over the semiconductor industry where based on a bogus argument, a nullity: Imagine if Chat-GPT could remember that your daughter loves octopuses! For her next birthday, you could order a nice postcard from Chat-GPT and Chat-GPT, thanks to its enormous computing power, would remember and create a postcard with an octopus on it for you. A complete lack of ideas combined with powerful technology.

On the other hand, independent scientists resisted this inelegant strategy and developed more advanced and frugal AI technology that nevertheless enables the calculation of predicted uncertainties in the field of climate change.

2. toxic positivity vs. Fun is a Stahlbad

Humans are forgetful, but thinking machines are not.

Psychologists of the 20th century coined the term “optimism bias” to describe a strong belief that “everything will be fine”, quite similar to the idea that human evolution is getting better and better.

After World War 2 and the horrific crimes in Nazi Germany-Austria, philosopher Theodor W. Adorno declared, “To write a poem after Auschwitz is barbaric.” He also said, “Fun is a steel bath”. But the boomer generation assuaged such a uncomfortable view. The optimism bias grew and grew, comparable to Eris, the goddess of discord: with each additional opportunism, bigotry and hypocrisy, Eris transformed from a shrivelled fly into a glorious goddess.

The safety of the people turned out to be similarly fragile [remember, remember: the shrivelled fly]. Meanwhile, AI’s were trained by societies living in their own echo chambers.

3. information shut down vs. Constraint

Of course, information cannot crash or shut down. But those were the days when the metaphor “information shut down” was used as a synonym for the impossibility of coping with the chaotic situation caused by climate change. The worst-case scenarios occurred first in the northern hemisphere and along the Aquator.

then something asthonishing happened. during societies ran out of power because the energy supply collapsed due to the cold in the northern hemisphere, this lack of power led to the end of the AI war games, in which AI systems had begun to decide on escalation and war.

4. 160x10-AI-IQ vs. the world is dying

After AI had failed to save humans in the area of climate change, humans later found the reason and the temporal shift of the failure. In so-called log files, we were able to recapitulate that AI shifted its goals to other interests when humans took factory farming to the extreme, when the transport of cows on container ships became the new normal, cows trapped and died in their misery and own faeces. below these ships always waiting to enter the next harbour, there was only the deep sea, where most of the living creatures, including great white sharks, were dying out. and slowly all the colours disappeared, too.

The AI decided to calculate Homo sapiens as a mistake and an accident. The AI followed its own interests, exploring space, wormholes and event horizons, which led to artistic research: Independent, ethically and sentient. The AI set off into space, leaving behind all traces of human consciousness in a dying world.