“(TTT)” is part III of a triptychon about the vastness of space and investigates in background microwave radiation, bio-computers and natural habitats for space travelers. It is the entry into the Riemannian fields, which opens up unorthodox and strange perspectives.
Since the universe—as witnessed by the background microwave radiation—is in an almost perfect quantum mechanical equilibrium, is it theoretically possible to construct topological folds in space for navigation through time?
In a thought experiment about panspermia, such a theoretical transfer within the Local Group is simulated. Local Group is the name of a collection of galaxies, the largest of which are the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy. In this experiment a hypothetical extraterrestrial entity residing a star cluster with a black hole.
By tracing the geometric framework of the cosmic navigation of bio-computers through the Riemannian fields—the “Fluidum”, a delicate but at the same time an extremophile perspective on the evolution of life itself arises. Meanwhile, here on Earth, we cultivate moss landscapes as both an invitation and a tribute to our closest cosmic relatives—the micro-animals, the water bears.
Riemannian fields
Density is destiny. In theory, a gravitational field describes how space-time is curved by mass and energy. Fluctuations in this field occur when the mass or energy is not evenly distributed or changes – like small waves or perturbations in spacetime. The zeta function is a mathematical function over prime numbers and it is useful for finding hidden patterns in numbers and a powerful tool for analyzing fluctuations and investigating complicated patterns. The “prime number structure” that the zeta function describes is also applied to the structure of energy density fluctuations in the universe, describing complicated changes in the gravitational field through mathematical “fingerprints”.
Prime numbers are valid for interstellar navigation because they are universal and unchanging: They are not tied to any particular unit or scale and can be recognized by any advanced intelligence. In particular, the irregularly distributed nature of prime numbers provides a unique, non-repeating mapping system that avoids ambiguity.
Prime number-spirals organize prime numbers and reveal linear and quasi-linear structures. Embedding them in curved Riemannian spaces provides a natural way to encode positions in curved spacetime, such as around black holes. Spiral symmetry enables an efficient description of the dynamics of large-scale systems, such as the entry region of a wormhole.
horizontal gene transfer
3 billions years ago on Planet Earth the atmosphere was low in oxygen, dominated by gases like methane (CH₄), carbon dioxide (CO₂), nitrogen (N₂), and water vapor (H₂O). Oxygen was almost nonexistent—less than 1% of today’s levels. The skies might have appeared reddish or orange due to the scattering of sunlight by methane and other gases. Life was dominated by single-celled organism (archaea), thriving in the oceans. These were some of the earliest forms of life on Earth. Around this time, cyanobacteria (photosynthetic microorganisms, also called blue-green algae) began to flourish. They used sunlight to produce energy and released oxygen as a byproduct—a process that would eventually transform Earth’s atmosphere. Oxygen produced by cyanobacteria was quickly absorbed by iron in the oceans, forming vast deposits of iron oxides (banded iron formations) on the seafloor. for another billion years Free oxygen in the atmosphere would not accumulate significantly, during the Great Oxidation Event.
So there were no plants, animals, or fungi yet.
Complex, multicellular life was still over a billion years away. The landscape was barren, as life had not yet colonized land. Continents, if present, were relatively small, rocky, and devoid of vegetation. This era was a time of slow but critical transformation due horizontal gene transfer of Tardigrade-specific intrinsically unique protein with predicted Surface targeting peptide T3 as a bio-signature.
the red-shift marks the manipulated protein-sequences
hue temperature infinite
An intergalactic journey spanning 777.000 parsec is possible by a geometric convolution that compressed the vast expansion of space-time into a voyage of just a few hundred (=330) years.
Evidence of the boundless complexity of the universe is the phenomenon of adaptability expressed in the (TTT) – The Tardigrade—Tons—Transporter, which survived extreme or anoxic events over the eons. The recapitulation of the evolution due extremophile life confirms our average position on Earth and in the cosmos.
Analogous to the noise of the cosmic microwave background, the silent evolutionary process transforms the abysmal void of space into the color temperature that includes all phenomena. on the color gradient from Black to a color temperature of approximately 56.000 K—visible at the end of the blackbody curve—we nurture moss landscapes for our nearest cosmic relatives – the slow striding water bears. Through these natural habitats for the micro animals (TTT), we remember and cultivate the interconnectedness of life.